• bg11

Meduso Marmi - Stoneglass

- White is perfect, no terms of comparison with other materials.
- It does not stain .
- Does not absorb , tolerate cleaning products , both acidic and alkaline. The quartz and marbles have limitations in this regard.
- No loss of color in its composition because there are no dyes as in other similar materials.
- Do not fear frost and heat. Exposed to the weather will not be damaged , unlike similar materials.
- It has no thermal expansion , a prerequisite for flooring, cladding walls and raised floors .
- It does not fear UV rays unlike other materials composed of resins and dyes .
- Do not fear the heat of the pan just removed from the stove and place on the floor.
- Can be cleaned even after weeks without any change of color or gloss , unlike other materials that need cleaning periodic .
- It has a high resistance to mechanical sgraffio .
- It has a transparency that can be used to create light effects.
- It 's recyclable , as glass is to be disposed of with normal disposal routes waste .


Via Noicattaro KM 1, Rutigliano (BA) - Italy


+39 080 4761091


+39 080 4771004

